Procrastination is my Super power!

I’d like to pretend that I have been hard at work making beautiful things…  but… I haven’t! I have made stuff! I finished my coat, but I’m not 100% happy with it. I made a birthday present for one of my nieces (can’t show you yet but it is Awesome!).  I also made a dress for Amy’s Wedding… Wait!  I have been busy making beautiful things! Go me 😀


A coat in time for summer

The coat is coming along slowly, I’d like to say that is due to all the painstakingly careful hand sewing but that would only be half true.

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I think the collar looks too high. I’m not convinced I would be able to do it up.

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The problem is I would have to unstitch the neck and re insert the collar…. What do you think?

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Thank you Sewing Bee

Yesterday smallest child and I curled up to catch up on the Great British Sewing Bee. I love that she is getting to an age where we can enjoy that stuff together. She got a sewing machine for Christmas so watching all the sewers really inspired her to make something. So she pulled out her fabric and we made a cushion cover!

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Turns out her enthusiasm helped to inspire me!

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It’s not a lot, Just button holes for my coat, but it is a start.

My sewing machine cover is off, long may it stay that way!

How do you like my impersonation of an Ostrich?

So…. You may have noticed, when I get scared I hide!

I don’t know if it’s the fear of actually doing something on a serious level or not but something has been messing with my desire to sew. I look at the pieces of my new coat (with a hood and everything) and I can’t seem to bring myself to finish it! I look at the pile of new fabric and have no inspiration to use it, not even the Wonder Woman stuff.

I find myself choosing to clean the house/scrub the toilet/organise my underwear as an excuse not to sew.  J is torn between worry and joy.

I have a Wedding Dress to make for the beginning of sept, fingers crossed I sort my self out in time 😉

It’s big and scary and I don’t wanna!

Ever want to wave a magic wand and have all the hard stuff done?

I’m not good with networking, or people…. I can talk about corset and dressmaking for hours. Now I have to talk people into helping me, I don’t even like asking my husband for help!

I really wish I could just sew, and all the business side magically does it’s self. I know I’m not the only one who feels that way. So this week I have put on my big girl pants and talked to people! I have messaged a photographer and models, (I was only a little nauseous after) and I have made a start at a cash flow projection.

On a happier, less out of my comfort zone I have also started working on a 20 panel corset for my dress-form. I will add pictures of that later.

So whilst it is all very scary I am not giving up!


Milestone Resolution.

Have you every looked back on your life and thought “Well that’s disappointing”?

I turned 40 yesterday! I have spent my adult life looking after other people, my Husband, my Children, my Family. I want something for me.

So this blog is about me, about my journey to starting and building my own business. I don’t know what I’m doing and no doubt I will make mistakes but I need to try.

I have been sewing for as long as I can remember, I find it calming and I’d like to think I’m good at it!

I love Corsets! I love how they look, I love how they feel. I have never met a person who, when putting a corset on for the first time, doesn’t instantly put their hands on their waist and “Ohhh!”

So…. I have a name, Stray Goddess. I have a web domain, I have a Plan (sort of).


Wish me luck!


A New Beginning

I sew!

I don’t know how else to describe myself other than, I sew. It calms me, it helps the world make sense, and my children think I’m awesome because of it. 

I’m not a writer, and I’m not sure I can blog consistently or coherently but I will try!